Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Variables in VBA Post 2.0

Variables in VBA:

1)Variables in VBA are declared by using Dim statement. VBA like any other programing language as many variable types. To list a few Integer,Double,String,Long,Variant,Range etc.
If a string variable needs to be declared it can be declared as

Dim strTest as String

The above style of declaring the variable is called Hungarian notation. In this variable name is prefixed by the variable type. Another variable is Range which is different from other programming languages. Range variable is declared similar to any other variable like Dim rngTest as Range. Any range in excel can be used in VBA by setting that range to this range variable. To play with this range first set this range as :
Set rngTest=Range("A1:B3")
Now the range variable rngTest can be used to access the variables in this range.
rngTest(1,1)->This will give you the value in cell A1.

2)Variant is one powerful variable in VBA. It can hold different variable types. So Variant is used when the user is not sure about the variable type. Do not try to use variant as the preferred variable. It might seem to be  easy and obvious choice but it can be dangerous considering the code performance.
If you use Variant as data type the compiler will take more time in identifying the Variable as compared to a variable of specific type.
If you are using Variant as variable type for variable which stores always one integer value. Then there is one is disadvantage that you might not be able to see the value of the variable while debugging. There might also Issue where lot of "type mismatch" errors will be missed if you use Variant as datatype.

An array variable can be declared as variant type.
Dim arrTest as variant.

The lower bound of this array is 0. To change the upper the bound of this array it can be redeemed.
Redim arrTest(1,4)

Now keep in mind one thing that  lower bound always starts with 0. In case you have to change the lower bound you can
Option base 2
This will take the lower bound as 2. By default the lower bound is 2.

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