Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Writing a Sweet VBA Code Post 8.0

Hi Everyone!

There are different ways of writing a same piece code which performs same task as the other. But one piece of code can make your and subsequent developers a cake walk while the other can make it really tough.

So not always the code which you write has the objective to just perform the function.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Error Handler in VBA 7.0

Handling Error in form of programing language is vital task. To protect your application from stoping/freezing in midway is important. If you handle the error properly then you will not only successfully execute the application but you can also make user aware of the error which was thrown during the execution.

Lets us take a simple example for error handler:

Sub prTest()
'Error Handler Starts
On Error GoTo Err_PrTest:
Dim rngTest     As Range
Dim intTest     As Integer
Dim intCounter  As Integer

If rngTest(1, 1) = 0 Then
    'Do Nothing
 End If

    Set rngTest = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description
    GoTo Exit_PrTest
End Sub

Once this code goes into error below error is thrown to the user:


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